Friday, 11 March 2011

How electromagnetic radiation causes cancer?

Exposure to electromagnetic radiation interferes with normal cell development by altering RNA action within individual cells.
It affects the operation of living cell by "jamming" normal electrochemical activity and normal growth. This is similar to power line electromagnetic interference on a radio. 

General public radiation exposure

Whether indoors or outdoors, all of us are exposed to EMF-induced cancer.
  • A 1979 survey in Colorado, published in American Journal of Epidemiology(AJE), linked childhood leukemia deaths to prolonged exposure to electromagnetic radiation.
  • Throughout the 80s, 12 studies done in US linked increased cancer rates of 140 to 320% with prolonged or intense exposures to electromagnetic field.
  • A study reported in May 1990 issue of AJE found that incidence of brain tumors among children of pregnant women who slept under electric blankets increased 2 times. It also reported 70% increase in leukemia and 30% increase in all cancers among children.
  • Several other studies indicate that residential exposure to ambient fields of more than 3 mG is related to increased childhood cancer. Ambient fields are produced by electric power transmission and lines. It's a field we are constantly exposed to inside and outside our homes. There is also evidence that such fields may also be associated with adult cancers.
  • Brain cancers were most frequently developed on the side of head a person held their phone to. The biggest increase in cancerous growths was in acoustic neuromas, which form behind the ear.
  • A recent study found a 30% increase in brain tumors in 1,600 people who have used mobile phones up to 10 years. The risk increased with more frequent and longer duration of mobile phone radiation exposure (International Journal of Oncology, March 2003).

Occupational radiation exposure

Even at the workplace, you can’t escape it.
  • 147 reports from 115 independent studies indicate associations between electromagnetic radiation exposure and breast cancer. The strongest associations were found in women who worked in offices and telephone industry.
  • Science News reported that risk of breast cancer is elevated by 43% for women who work in high radiation exposure fields.
  • 1994 findings reported by US National Cancer Institute: Male breast cancer was detected in men who worked in electrical industry.
  • British studies also found electrical workers to be at risk. Women workers had increased malignant brain tumors while men workers were at risk from all types of leukemia and tumors.
  • A study by Maryland Department of Health and Hygiene found an unusually high percentage of electricians, electronics engineers and utility repairmen among 951 men who died of brain tumors (American Health, July/August 1986).
  • Canadian research found significantly increased incidence of prostate cancer and acute myeloid leukemia among airline pilots. This was associated with in-flight ionizing radiation exposures.
  • A survey was done among worker whose occupations use electrically-run equipment that produces electromagnetic radiation, and are held in front of abdominal area. It found increased risk of prostate cancer in the following types of work: aircraft fabricator, railway transport worker, metal product fabricator, structural metal erector, electrical power worker and water transport worker.
  • From 1980 to 1985, new electronic equipment was introduced in Polish military. During that period, there was a doubling incidence of all cancers, tripling of alimentary tract cancers, and a 6-fold increase in blood and lymphatic cancers in 20-59 year-old personnel exposed to radio frequency or microwave radiation.
  • Blood abnormalities, genetic (chromosomal) abnormalities and cancers of female reproductive system were found in US Embassy females exposed to radio frequency in Moscow.
  • Decreased white and red blood cells (needed for immune system) were noted among radar-exposed technicians at Zagreb airport.
  • Lymphatic and hematopoietic cancers were reported among US Navy personnel.
Cover-up: The WHO says evidence for electromagnetic radiation and cancer is controversial, but admits: "However, it is clear that if electromagnetic radiations do have an effect on cancer, then any increase in risk will be extremely small."

Electromagnetic radiation makes cancer grow

Exposure to electrical pollution can cause cancer cells to grow. This was discovered by Dr Wendell Winters of University of Texas. He had been contracted by New York Department of Health to investigate the effects of 60 Hz fields on immunity cells.
He reported that cancer cells increased their rate of growth by several hundred percent with only a 24-hour exposure. Apparently, this growth rate was subsequently permanently maintained.
Other subsequent studies also confirmed that 60-Hz magnetic fields cause human cancer cells to permanently increase their growth rate (in some cases, by as much as 1,600%) and to develop more malignant characteristics.
A study by National Research Council in Bologna also found that leukemia cells divide much more rapidly after mobile phone radiation exposure. The study used 1 milliwatt at 900 megaHertz, following European frequency. Many mobile phones can produce up to 2 milliwatts.
After 24 hours of continuous exposure, many cancer cells died. But the effect was reversed after 48 hours, with activation of genes leading to very rapid multiplication.

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